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Friday, July 31, 2015

The BROS. To WrestleMania - 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper Dies at 61 REACTION

I was driving home when I got the call. "Are you sad?" is all it said.

Holy Sh%t was my reply.

I only just got over the shock of Hogans racist rants and now this. I'm going to be sad for a while. This is a horrible day for wrestling fans all over the world.

Thank you Piper for all you have done. let the bagpipes play.

which I'm sure they will come Monday.

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Rogue Nation Movie Action/ReAction!

The Rogue Nation has dropped, I was able to catch a last showing at an AMC theater. This movie was action packed, I believe Tom Cruise is still a leading man that has years of action in him. If Lean Neson isn't on the next MI movie or it doesn't crossover with Fast and Furious or both then its a missed opportunity. I missed Paula Patton but Ms. Furguson held her own and I believe is a mega star on the rise. 
We had the return of Ving Ramses and the back and forth with him and Renner was more than work the price of admission 
To soon for me to say whether or not it was better than the last MI movie but I will say it was a huge hit, funny, smooth, suspenseful and an action packed gem. You won't be disappointed. Paramount pictures, Tom Cruise, and J.J. Abrams delivers a great film

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Bros To WrestleMania - Sasha Banks The Face of The WWE

Its too soon to tell but when the stars are in alignment and you feel the energy you just can't hold it in any more. Its like going for that first kiss on a first date. She's just so beautiful and you get a long so well and you think "Maybe This Is The One".

Is Sasha Banks the woman the save the Diva's Division? I think so. For so long we looked up to Trish and Lita but we're ready and waiting for women to take it back to the next level. I'm too excited about the new Divas. Charlotte is to me a great competitor and she should and could be the next woman to hold the Intercontinental Championship. But Sasha Banks is a boss. Not saying she can be WWE World Heavy Wait Champion but she should and will become the face of the WWE.

The Bella Twins seemed like the women to take the division to the last frontier but low and behold, I now see them as a stepping stone, another rung on the latter to get a woman of Bank's talent to Hollywood and beyond. If you look over my video on the first episode of Bros to Wrestlemania you'll see what I mean.

This woman has something special.

She will save the Divas.

Please Boss Lady lead us.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

T3M1 - Ep 5 Ghostbusters, Reaction to Vacation Trailer, Top 10 Soundtrack

Paul Fieg reveals the name of his characters for the new Ghostbusters movie on Twitter responding to fans questions. Leslie Jones will play Tolan, Melissa McCarthy will be Abby Yates, Kristen Wiig plays Jillian Holtzaman, and Kate McKinnon will play Erin Gilbert.

There's no word if Slimmer will be in the film.

Chris & Sean's 
10. Batman and Robin Soundtrack & Legends of The Fall
9. Queen of The Damned & Robocop
8. The Lion King & Alien(s)
7. The Wizard of Oz & Starship Troopers
6. Titanic & The Dark Knight
5. 8 Mile & Conan The Barbarian
4. Superman & Forest Gump
3. Star Wars & Platoon
2. Spawn & The Thin Red Line
1. Free Willie & Titanic

Honorable: The Crow, Blade, The Rocky Franchise, 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Why Am I Talking Through The Movies? - Eric Jerome Dickey

I Remember Like It Was Over Five Years Ago. Because It Was.

I sent EJD a copy of a song I recorded called My Genevieve when I was in my KR!S THOU phase of my life (Hip Hop Artist). He was kind enough to have listened. Though I can never really be sure. But I loved the fact that he was interactive with a reader. I couldn't tell why his words connected with me. I mean, his audience consist of mostly black women. I'm a black male. Some of his books I'd be the villain. I'm not proud of it. But I'll atmit it.

I told him I'm also a writer, my first crack at a book, publishing through a company called Tate. I'm still not all paid up to have the book released. One day at a time Christopher. Take it slow but not too long, I keep repeating to myself. "Maybe this Fall or Winter or Spring. Just raise the money. But life gets in the way. My science fiction adventure will have to wait to become the next Harry Potter.

But I'm still inspired.

He's written so many amazing stories. My favorite being "The Other Woman". It was the first.

I've read it 3 times.

Genevieve speaks to me. The woman on the cover looks through my soul and I hear her voice. But that Milk In My Coffee though, and Cheaters, I went to see the play and you will Laugh Out Loud.

The best stories are of Gideon, an assassin, begging to be brought to life by Idris Elba. Please Hollywood wake up. This is a sure thing. Come on Marvel Studios, take a leap. Break the mold.

I'm keeping the faith. If I had $50 million, I'd produce the film myself. Just to see the hitman within the story talk about Katy Texas. Where I'm from, that conversation was haunting. Two days to walk. . .that's all I'll say. no spoilers. Read the Gideon series, starting with Sleeping with Strangers.

You're Welcome Reader.

And thank you EJD, you're the man, a friend and that coffee is on me next time you're in Houston.

Eric Jerome Dicky

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Action/Reaction: The Revenant Trailer

Is this it? 

Has the time finally come for the DeCapreo to win the day? I mean he's put in so much work. All of it good. [scratch that] All of it OUTSTANDING! The time has come and gone for him to win the Oscar. I want to see him get one for a performance before he gets a lifetime achievement award. He deserves both but he deserves best actor more and first. 

So many great performances. This isn't just a job for him. Acting is Leo's life. Its in his DNA. He can come up with an award winning performance in his sleep at this point. Why hasn't he won the big one?

Two Words. . .

. . .Bad Timing.

Its like he's giving another outstanding performance when another actor is giving the performance of their lives. Its become a curse that has such potencey its even affected his own movies. When McConaughey infiltrated the wolf of wall street and stole the show. I mean come on!!!

I believe this will be the one. The movie that finally gives us the award the has rightfully belong to Leo for the better part of a decade. The Revenant has all of the qualities of an Oscar baitful movie. 

Lets give it up for the DeCapreo and all rejoice.

Update: Fox recently challenged my ability to use their trailer in my YouTube post. Really Fox? its obvious a movie review, protected by Fair Use. Hopefully this won't become a major issue in the future. We love you Fox!!!

Talking Through The Movies: Ep. 2 Top 10 Comedies

I always have a blast working on these with Sean. A few "no homo" and "that's what she said jokes". I'm surprised I left out Superbad.

Christopher's Top 10 Comedies (*on Sean's list as well)

10. Something About Merry (Sean's List)

I lost my virginity the year before I saw this movie, I better have gotten those jokes.

9. Beavis & Butthead Do America

Two thumbs up!

8. Pee Wee's Big Adventure

Large Marge Still Scares me. 99% funny 1% scary, Thanks Tim Burton

7. Ghostbusters

one of my most quotable movies on my list. "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I have plenty of people who love to abuse me".

6. Trading Places

I still watch this on Netflix or when its on TV. Jamie Lee Curtus, True Lies was a master piece.

5. Love Stinks

Mentioned on Talk Me Into It.

4. Ace Ventura

The Shower Scene "She's A Man!!!"

3. Home Alone

Keep the change you filthy animal. If I left my kids alone like that I'd be in prison still.

2. Dumb and Dumber

Jeff Daniels stole the show in a lot of those scenes.

1. Clerks

If it were not for Kevin Smith, I wouldn't be here right now talking to you. I would not have Talking Through The Movies.

Honorable Mentions: I took the time to talk about another movie that impacted me a lot but has been tainted in recent history. Bill Cosby Himself. It was a big deal to me as a kid and my memory of that is set it stone, but it will not be mentioned on this site any further.

Sean's List

10. Something About Mary*

9. Look Who's Talking - Bruce Willis

Did not know what those sperms were real or not.

The joke we always say online while playing Call of Duty is pretending to fart and saying "Too Much Fruit".

8. Who Framed Roger Rabbit/Ghostbusters (tie)

7. Friday

All those scenes with Debo. Pops tripping, wants me to ask for my bike back.

6. Police Academy Franchise

Remember the Blue Oyster, those guys were so tough they forced cops to dance.

5. Gremlins 2

We've got everything from can goods to shotguns. Now Was That Civilized

4. Kung Pow: Enter The Fist

Dumb Wars is awesome

3. Top Secret
Spoof on Spys! From the makers of Airplane.
2. Airplane
So many quotable lines, like, "Billy, you ever seen a grown man naked?"
This movie was also quoted on WWE Raw, when Shawn Michaels says he speaks Jive to the tag team known as Crime Time.
1.Hot Shots
Charlie Sheen


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Friday, July 17, 2015

Movie Review: Ant Man - NO SPOILERS

This was a unique origin story. I've got to say it was a well put together team and a great time in the theater over all. All of the critics who seem to have found this movie boring are not taking into consideration that this movie was just coming off of Age of Ultron. I was so entertained by the over all cast. All of them worked well together and the execution was one of the best Marvel has done since Guardians of The Galaxy.

Paul Rudd is Ant Man! I'm surprised that I'm saying that and not laughing. This movie made the premise of a movie about a super hero who shrinks and talks to bugs cool. It was a cool movie. An man give so much and its best parts are when you get the comedy moments. All I'll say is Baskin Robbins Yo!!!

The villain was great, he may have needed more development but by the time he goes full on Loki its an action packed punch. Michael Douglas came to work. No paycheck grab. He really delivered his A game. I felt like this was the reboot to an already awesome career. The Doug is back!!!

You won't be disappointing. There are two extra scenes.

Go to the movies and lets keep talking.

Talking Through The Movies: Christopher Fagan (Executive Producer) Says Thank You Movie Fans

Thank you so much!!!

I'm learning a lot of things with the new channel on YouTube. Its great to get to just talk to my friends. We are having a blast, Cody "Code Breaker" Weaver, Joe "The Other Schmoe" Perez and Sean "Can't Come Up With A Nick Name" Malloy. These past few days, post and videos have been an experience. We're off to a great start and feel like we're on the path to really rock it on the Movie watcher and reviewer universe.

A lot has changed in the few days I've started. Its no secret that I am a John Campea guy. I look up to him in a lot of ways. I'd be Super Siked to see meet the man. But more than that I appreciate what he's done on YouTube on and off AMC. His tutorials on how to get started in the business and more, his brutal honesty to what this business is and what it means to him. I wish to be as honorable on my path.

Today I'll be taking time out to see Ant Man, hoping to do a few more blogs on the subject. Giving an honest review and taking notes on what was seen and how the movie made me react. I hope you guys enjoy the read. To the people helping me out on the blogs and videos, I'm not just talking the ones who join me, I'm reaching out to the ones who comment. Keep Them Coming!!! It makes me better. I'm sure I'm headed down the path of running into the ones who'll hate my guts, be it the way I look, talk, think or breathe, but at the end of the I'm thankful for all of it.

My friends are awesome! My hobby for movies takes me places to escape the real world for moments at a time and its very therapeutic. I'm grateful. I'll do my best to keep up the chatter and find my voice. All I ask in return is for your honesty. Be brutal, TALK HARD! As always, Let Keep Talking.



Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Through The Trailers: Sisters - Official Trailer REACTION

Today is a milestone for TTTM.

This is the first Reaction Video on the Blog and YouTube Channel. I'm excited and a little disappointed that the first one would have to be to this heap of garbage of a trailer. This trailer is no good at all. I've actually produced something that I'm proud of on the set of Talking Through The Movies but I know the Executive Producer of this film should hate the marketing campaign for this garbage.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are two of the funniest women in the business but this was so beneath them. I'm surprised its coming out. I was curious to see that WWE superstar John Cena was in this film. I'm more looking forward to what he's bringing to Trainwreck, which looks hilarious.

I can't find any more word to wast on this trialer. Here's hoping the film itself is better.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Movie News: Minions Number One In Box office

As I predicted and still couldn't imaging that much of an intake. $400 Million worldwide.

Jurassic World in second place and Disney/Pixar holding strong in third.

It takes a giant minion to knock out the attack of Prat. Don't feel bad Disney, Inside was better.

By a mile.

Through The Trailers: Suicide Squad Leaked Trailer REACTION-ISH

I'm not going to show it but I am going to hurt you really really bad!!!

Everything about this trailer is awesome. I'm totally ready to rock and or roll with this team. I'm all about the Squad now. Seeing the Batman in action was a plus. Hearing Waller talk about the flood gate being opened after Superman's appearance. This universe is legit and ready to take over.


Are you?

Let me know.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Pilot Episode of Talking Through The Movies Now On YouTube

Introducing the panel.

Mr. Sean Malloy and Christopher Fagan talk over the movies. Running over time to discuss things like the new Batman V Superman trailer. The leaked footage of Suicide Squad to Weird Science.

The pilot did run about 45 minutes longer than I'd want it to but it was fun to talk with Sean about these things. I never have a dull moment talking through the movies with him and I'm glad that he's officially apart of the team after all these years of idea after idea of getting nothing done.

This is the first step in a new direction that I hope will keep us on the path to a great future for Talking Through The Movies.

Thank you for a great pilot episode, Mr. Malloy.

Video may not be suitable for all viewers.

Movie News: Harrison Ford Appears at Comic-Con 2015

Harrison Ford made an appearance at this years Comic Con in San Diego.

A lot of people speculated that Ford may show because a lot of them believe

that his character will die, making the ultimate sacrifies to leave the show

the hero. One interview he gave was to Screen Slam, posted on their YouTube channel.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Harrison Ford "Han Solo" Comic Con Interview

He talked about having a great time filming The Force Awakens, refering to his

costars as a fantastic cast and that he had a great time doing the movie. He

goes on about the great script and the ambition of J.J. Abrams. He said that he

was delighted and proud to have been able to represent the film for the fans.

He then reveals that he acted as a mentor to the new cast, saying that life as

they knew it is over. He recalled a conversation with Daisy Ridley. Telling her

that from his own experience when it all started he learned that life will change

and that she will get use to it. Then she'll wonder what happened when you turn

from the natual state of an actor is to observe and the difficulty to do that

when all everyone in the world and in this business is doing is looking at you.

This was advise that I'm sure she took to heart.

When Harrison Ford took the stage he was met by Carry Fisher and Mark Hamil as

the crowd gave him a standing ovation. He said it felt great after all these years

of being away from Star Wars to return.

As seen on the Associated Press channel below.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Movie Reviews: Minions

Evolving from single-celled yellow organisms at the dawn of time, Minions live to serve, but find themselves working for a continual series of unsuccessful masters, from T. Rex to Napoleon. Without a master to grovel for, the Minions fall into a deep depression. This is the part in the beginning of the movie that was also in the trailer. I was out buying popcorn. 

Sandra Bullock as Scarlett OverKill was one of the funnier characters, the duo of Jon Hamm as Herb Overkill was a great dynamic. I didn't know that all the Minions were voiced by Pierre Coffin.

I'll have to watch this movie again to determine with was the better film, Inside Out or Minions. Though I believe Minions will make more money and take the top spot till Ant-Man will make the cut. My prediction for the week. Minions are number one, Jurassic World will take number two spot and Inside Out will be third.


The biggest surprise that I could have waited for was the return of Steve Carell as Young Gru. I was okay with it but I felt that it was too soon. If Minions spawns a sequel I would have rather Gru come then. But I can see that were leaning towards the adventures of Gru and Minions from the younger years.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Movie News: Wesley Snipes in talks with Marvel on Blade IV

If Marvel is legitimately considering a new installment then it may be Feigies first solid mistake.

Wesley Snipes in talks for Blade IV with Marvel, I am shocked. Blade III killed that franchise proper. What the hell is going on?

That news came from Empire. Lets just hope its not true.

In other news. I'm going to commit to making sure that Movie News is done daily, Through The Trailers as they come, Talk Me Into It done monthly and Movie Reviews done weekly.

See more on my blog and now even more on the YouTube Channel

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Movie News: Marisa Tomei Casted as Aunt May in Spider-Man Reboot

I'm looking forward to seeing what Marisa Tomei brings to this character. We all no that its Uncle Ben who puts together the words that carry on to Peter Parker/Spiderman for the rest of his life but its Aunt May that makes sure that Peter doesn't lose sight of that message. That Uncle Ben's spirit lives on within our hero.

Ms. Tomei is a great actress, she's beautiful and I think has the potential to bring something fresh and exciting to this role. What more can I say? I've been a huge fan since the 90's and I see a huge resemblance between Rosemary Harris, Sally Field and Tomei. If this was done on purpose or not, I see it a a great choice from Sony/Marvel. The women who have played this character have all been amazing and I'm sure Tomei will not disappoint.

Thank you Feigi.

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Let me know how you feel about this casting choice for our new Spiderman Reboot

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Movie News: Comedy on Prince Charmings Brother

Walt Disney Studios has bought the script from Matt Fogel, who previously wrote Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son. Disney had to out bid other studios for the rights in order to continue the trend of the classic animation films being brought to life. Films like Cinderella and Snow White are now becoming more popular.

This adaptation will not deal with Prince Charming himself but his not so charming brother. I'm guessing we may get another Jack Black or maybe a younger unknown comic. You could definitely put this in the hands of Seth Rogan and James Franco and make it into an instant classic.

I can't wait to see it.

Check out more stories on my blog and youtube channel

The Movie News: Amanda Peterson Dies at 43

Can't Buy Me Love Actress, Amanda Peterson, dies at 43.

I'm saddened to report that actress Amanda Peterson, best known for portraying the love interest of Patrick Dempsey in 1987’s Can’t Buy Me Love, died over the 4th of July weekend in her Colorado home 
She was 43 years old, and has two children. She was discovered on the 5th of July just three days away from her 44th birthday. I wast first introduced to this actress in 1985 when I saw her movie Explorers. She played Lori Swenson, the love interest to a young Ethan Hawke, in this syfy cult classic. I swill watch this movie from time to time. I was then reacquainted to her in the movie Can't Buy Me Love. I've always had a hing of a crush on this beautiful actress.  
The’ cause of death is unknown at this time, though Peterson’s father confirms his daughter suffered from “some illness,” along with sleep apnea.
Her last role was in a film called Windrunner in 1994. She then retired from the entertainment world. 
I know I'll be watching my two favorite films 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Movie Review: Terminator Genisys

The Plot May Get Confusing But Don't Worry You're Brain Gets to Take a Break Every Now And Then

Finally got a chance to see Terminator Genisys. 

I loved the explosions. I also got a kick out of J.K. Simmons (I said Rollins in the video). He plays Detective O'Brian, his presence was a little too convenient at times. He believes in everything because of what he witnessed in the fight between Reese and a T-1000. His character was entertaining through out but a little too forced in order to prolong the plot.

You have Jai Courtney who played Kyle Reese who goes back in time to save Sarah Conor but now she's been raised by a Terminator since she was nine and now does't need protecting. This was meant to have a Days of Future Past effect to erase the crap from the bad movies in the franchise. This has a unproductive effect by erasing the cool things. Skynet is no longer just a military made weapon that becomes aware. Its now an app that I guess makes sense for today but it being military was a cool thing. Now Skynet has turned into Facebook on crack.

The other problems with this movie was the fact that you had cool effects and watch things blow up to having to turn your brain on and have Schwarzenegger turn into Professor Terminator and try to explain what they've changed and how this now changes everything. It was very confusing at time and off rhytm. The hardcore fans will rip apart the logic in this movie. Since John Carter is now being conceived later in the future and not the 80's. 

Having John Connor who was played by Jason Clarke become a new terminator and try to prevent his own birth was just crazy junk logic. Even for syfy. 

The fact that Schwarzeneggar is now upgraded to a T-1000 makes sense since the villains are harder to kill. This was one thing I loved. The action scenes were great, the effects were awesome. But having to turn my brain on after each fight to be taught a lesson was too much for my primitive brain to process every 15 minutes. 

Seeing that John Connor was turned into a robot coming back to kill his parents was more confusing since the term "No Fate but What We Make" was twisted to mean, I don't have to be born to exist. Just weird. Fix it!!!

It was worth the look but not better than 1 or 2 but way better than part 3. I'll have to see Salvation again to see if its better than that. I'm not happy with the new love dynamic for Reese and Sarah, his death and sacrifice was a huge necessity for the development of Sarah and her son. I liked Clark as Sarah Connor. She was what made this movie work as did Arnold.

Check out the new video review of the Terminator Genisys movie that I've done with further explains how I reacted to this film. Should it continue? Only time and the profit will tell.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Through The Movie Trailers: Creed (video)

Creed A set of beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions.

To me this movie trailer spoke volumes. I do not need to see anything else after this. I'm one hundred percent sold on seeing this in theaters and want can't wait to see it. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing what an actor at Michael B. Jordan's level will bring to this movie. The title of this movie speaks to me. I see it at a covenant and a continuation of Rocky Balboa keeping his promise to look over his fallen friends son to keep him save after failing to keep Apollo Creed alive in the fourth film. 

You have Balboa taking on the mantle of mentor and taking a new up and comer Creed, played by Jordan, who in a lot of ways looks like Carl Weathers. They both rocking the stash, Weathers thick 80's mustache, Jordan more trim look but the resemblance is there. If you told me he was really related I'd believe you. 

Rocky has come a long way and after redeeming the franchise with Rocky Balboa (film) after that God awful Rocky IV (touch me and I'll sue) crap, its great that Sylvester Stallone is not taking this franchise to a new direction and focusing on the Creed family. When i first heard the synopsis and saw this trailer, I might as well had preordered my ticket. I'm definitely excited. Jordan is in the best shape of his life physically and in his career. If he doesn't have a few Oscars when he's done I'd be shocked. This movie trailer is awesome.

I'm mostly curious to what the plot will be focused on. Has the Creed family fallen on financial hardship and a son tries to fill his fathers shoes or are we looking a a privileged young man who's trying to climb out of the shadow of his father?

Either way I'm ready to see.

Lets keep talking. 

Check out the video I've posted on my Youtube channel.

Talk Me Into It: Love Stinks (1999) French Steward & Bridgette Wilson

Love Stinks (1999)

This is one of my favorite romantic comedies. You'll get a kick out of how this movie starts out to be one of the same A typical, paint by the numbers romances but then the thing that tears them apart are the things they do and the things they fail to do for each other. The hell and torture that comes from both of these people and the bad love advice from friends does not give this movie justice. If you want to see crazy this is it.

Staring French Stewart and Bridgette Wilson. It also includes great names like Bill Bellamy and Jason Bateman.

I hope I can talk you into seeing this film . . . let me know if you hate it or love it and keep the comments coming.

Check out my video review let me know if I talked you into seeing this film.