There is nothing like hiding in plane sight. I see that Alix Lapri is the best kept secret that thousands if not millions are prepared to see go to the next level. She's been singing since the age of three. The moment she performed on stage it was magic that changed her life's direction to keep the music playing forever. My experience from listening has given me a new perspective of the industry. How hard it is to just be a normal young person with a future as bright as her smile tries to reach her dreams.
The life of a young singer trying to make an impact in the digital age must be a hard road.
If you're a fan because of Alix Lapri, let your voice ring as loudly but as beautiful as hers. And Show The World.
Tell your friends, family, coworkers and anyone who just likes to listen to music. I'm a believer in this young lady and I can't wait to see more of her. She's already on the road to immortality. With an amazing family behind her. To be so young and so humble is a rarity that needs to be elevated in this world.
More to come on this outstanding new talent.
I have reached out to her and requested a interview. If its in the cards I'll have it up on this site.
Hopefully more to bring you on the story of Alix Lapri