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Friday, June 7, 2019

Secret Life of Pets 2 Is The Best Movie Of The Week

So I went to the advance press screening ofThe Secret Life of Pets 2, taking my family along with a few friends and their children. The theater was mostly family and kids. From the very beginning, this film was lead and propelled by these few characters and the actors behind them. Kevin Hart as Snowball, Tiffany Haddish as Daisy, and Gidget played by Jenny Slate who to me was the best part of the first movie as well. I enjoyed the first Life with Pets but what I was upset with was that it was marketed as a movie that was going to show us what our pets do when we're not around then turned into a much larger adventure than I believed necessary.

The thing that the sequel did well was that it involved three separate story lines and issues that was perfectly consolidated at the end. You deal with Max facing a fear of the unknown and his anxieties, Gidget trying to recover a lost beloved toy from a crazy cat ladies apartment and snowball  saving a circus tiger from an animal abuser. So you have three separate issues that our heroes had to face in overcoming your fears, doing what it takes to fix a problem for a friend and helping someone in need who doesn't have the ability to help themselves. Three separate but intertwined issues.

As heavy as they were in theme the adventure of them all were completely gut busting funny. Max was taken to his owners relatives farm where he was mentored by a dog named Rooster played by Harrison Ford, and the new dynamic duo in Snowball and Daisy.  The most exciting things that were happening were with the new animals that were introduced to this universe with the exception of Gidget. I recommend this for everyone because that is exactly who were in this theater laughing their bottoms off, absolutely everyone. The best movie of the week by far.

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