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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Captain America: Civil War - FREE SCREENING CONTEST

Talking Through The Medias will be hosting another contest.

For every 100th subscriber to our YouTube Channel, we will be giving away two free movie tickets to upcoming blockbuster films. Through Fandango, the current contest will be for a free screening of Captain America Civil War.

Go to our YouTube channel become a subscriber. if you're subscription is within the most recent 100th subscription, you'll have a chance of winning.

All winners will be posted on our blog, twitter, Facebook and YouTube channel.

2016 we hope to give away tickets to see

  • Captain America: Civil War
  • X-Men: Apocalypse
  • Alice Through the Looking
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle II
  • WarCraft
  • Independence Day Resurgence
  • Jason Bourne
  • Suicide Squad
  • Doctor Strange
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
  • Star Wars: Rogue One

See link below.

Must be 18 or older.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Boss Battles

The Era of Comic Book Gods

                   THANOS                                APOCALYPSE                          DARKSEID

All I know is that when I sit down in my seat I will be ready The Watch each and every one of these movies more than once happily. If either one of these movies promise me 2 dish out a third ticket then my mind that would be the clear winner. I will be going for the adventure, the advancement of visual effects, and supporting comic books in general. Butt the one movie that pushes me to pay for that third or possibly more ticket to see this awesome story unfold will be the movie that execute the best boss battle. We've known and loved these Heroes for the past 15 years now it's time to join the Dark Side pun intended and see what these villains have to offer. Thanos vs. Darkseid vs. Apocalypse Datz how I'm looking this mashup. Heroes conspire but if we learned anything from the villain of The Fifth Element it's only when you destroy everything that the true excitement begins. May the best God win.

These villains are a threat on a completely different scale of reality. Some are god-like and others are true gods, in the end, the true winner will be the audience. We moviegoers are ready to experience something we have never seen before. With the coming Avengers, movies building larger teams from Iron Man to the Vision. With 20th Century Fox we have a rise of a new X-Men universe. Warner Brothers has Planet apocalypse soon to be inflamed as the Justice League assembles. A lot of fans will say "Well this just looks like a job for Superman". Alone? He cannot defeat one of these enemies. Even Apocalypse could probably defeat Superman. Don't believe me then let the debate begin Marvel Fanboys Bring It On LOL.

We are in the age of the god-like villain. Comic book movies are shifting now that we have defeated enemies on the local level, on to the state level, to the international level and have saved the world. The only direction now is to pull back or fight on a universal level. With the coming of Thanos and apocalypse for Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox slash and Marvel. Even Warner Brothers is laying the foundation for the coming of Darkseid.

Okay fanboys lets address the elephant god in the room. Thanos is a ripoff of Darkseid. Apocalypes is technically human so we are looking at this being a match up that favors Darseid. It seems that Thanos is in love with death and Darkseid is seeking the Anti-life equation. Darkseid is from a planet call Apocalypse and Apocalypse is so named. These guys are completely different and yet the same. Cheering one is cheering them all. S

ay hello to the bad guys.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Free movie pass to see Batman vs. Superman

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

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Win tickets to the upcoming Batman versus Superman movie. Become a subscriber to talking through the media's and like our Facebook page random winners will be selected every 100th subscribe.

The more who participate the better the chances of winning and we will keep the party going for the upcoming X-Men movie and so on. Our hopes is that this become such a success that we are giving away free movie passes weekly to all types of movies not just the major ones. We want to celebrate movie fans and thank our subscribers by allowing them to go on us to the movies.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Rumors and Speculations: The Stories Before The Story

Rumors and Specs!!! 

I wanted to start this new program with Sean on our YouTube channel because I know that it can be a lot of fun for us movie fans to guess what is to come in the next installment of our Beloved the universes. We go to the movies to escape reality and to become a part of something amazing. Even if we lead amazing lives ourselves or just punch a clock with a metal lunch kit and eat the same grilled cheese everyday,  there's something about the world of movies that we all have a connection to.

With the rise of the internet speculating and spreading rumors went hand-in-hand with the
click of a mouse. People love to tell their friends what they assume will happen with a sequel or an upcoming film that we know nothing about because we're not in the production team. Why do we do it? It's because of the characters, the story, the history? You name it, whether it's Spiderman or a regular movie like the eighties classic Clue. Fans love to be a part of the story before the story. We tell ourselves it would be amazing if this happened or it would be awesome if that bad guy did this. Sometimes were right sometimes we are way off. I personally do not like it when people pass off things they know nothing about as the truth. Nine times out of ten it's based on good hunches but if you have nothing to back it up from the actual creators of a film and you pass it off as fact then it's just clickbait and that's what's making things get weird.

Fanboys of all types of genre from westerns to comic book movies take things so personally and we become so ingrained in the development we feel like the purchase of a ticket entitle us to our demands to sway the director to bend to our will. Sometimes producers we'll listen to the fans and you'll see improvements or a switching of gears based on pure fear. We trick ourselves into thinking they're doing it for the fans. No they're doing it because they don't want to lose money. If movie Producers knew that they could put out anything and make a billion dollars even though it will enraged hardcore fans of that source material they would live in a world of pissed off fans happily.

If it doesn't make dollars it doesn't make sense, if that makes sense. Really you'll get writers and directors who listened to the fans and want to make calls and decisions based on the love of the history of a certain piece of material such as a comic book movie. Usually that is because the writer themselves or director are fans as well. Whether or not a movie producer listens to the fans or goes their own way something amazing still can happen when the movie begins. You can watch a movie that goes in a direction you never would have dreamed of and it can become the greatest thing you've ever seen. Sometimes our speculations and are rumors that we here and spread might not match at all what we get. And that's okay. Sometimes we get something better and sometimes we get something worse. Most of the time we get something somewhere in the middle.

This YouTube show called Rumors & Specs will be about speculating ourselves and discussing the rumors that surround. Because whether or not something could be spot-on or complete bull, it's still fun to say "what if". I hope you guys enjoy the show.

P.S. Did you hear that Spiderman might have his own cut scene at the end of civil war that would lead into his stand alone movie with Sony? I could be wrong but wouldn't that be cool? LOL