Its too soon to tell but when the stars are in alignment and you feel the energy you just can't hold it in any more. Its like going for that first kiss on a first date. She's just so beautiful and you get a long so well and you think "Maybe This Is The One".
Is Sasha Banks the woman the save the Diva's Division? I think so. For so long we looked up to Trish and Lita but we're ready and waiting for women to take it back to the next level. I'm too excited about the new Divas. Charlotte is to me a great competitor and she should and could be the next woman to hold the Intercontinental Championship. But Sasha Banks is a boss. Not saying she can be WWE World Heavy Wait Champion but she should and will become the face of the WWE.
The Bella Twins seemed like the women to take the division to the last frontier but low and behold, I now see them as a stepping stone, another rung on the latter to get a woman of Bank's talent to Hollywood and beyond. If you look over my video on the first episode of Bros to Wrestlemania you'll see what I mean.
This woman has something special.
She will save the Divas.
Please Boss Lady lead us.