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Friday, July 17, 2015

Talking Through The Movies: Christopher Fagan (Executive Producer) Says Thank You Movie Fans

Thank you so much!!!

I'm learning a lot of things with the new channel on YouTube. Its great to get to just talk to my friends. We are having a blast, Cody "Code Breaker" Weaver, Joe "The Other Schmoe" Perez and Sean "Can't Come Up With A Nick Name" Malloy. These past few days, post and videos have been an experience. We're off to a great start and feel like we're on the path to really rock it on the Movie watcher and reviewer universe.

A lot has changed in the few days I've started. Its no secret that I am a John Campea guy. I look up to him in a lot of ways. I'd be Super Siked to see meet the man. But more than that I appreciate what he's done on YouTube on and off AMC. His tutorials on how to get started in the business and more, his brutal honesty to what this business is and what it means to him. I wish to be as honorable on my path.

Today I'll be taking time out to see Ant Man, hoping to do a few more blogs on the subject. Giving an honest review and taking notes on what was seen and how the movie made me react. I hope you guys enjoy the read. To the people helping me out on the blogs and videos, I'm not just talking the ones who join me, I'm reaching out to the ones who comment. Keep Them Coming!!! It makes me better. I'm sure I'm headed down the path of running into the ones who'll hate my guts, be it the way I look, talk, think or breathe, but at the end of the I'm thankful for all of it.

My friends are awesome! My hobby for movies takes me places to escape the real world for moments at a time and its very therapeutic. I'm grateful. I'll do my best to keep up the chatter and find my voice. All I ask in return is for your honesty. Be brutal, TALK HARD! As always, Let Keep Talking.



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Thank you for comment. Lets keep talking!