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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Will 2036 Origin Unknown Launch A Netflix Cinematic Universe

With so many people with so much to say about 2036 Origin Unknown I wanted to answer a few questions and comments from viewers. I took the time to answer the comments and questions below. Go to my youtube channel for the answers.

Questions answered by


I noticed anyone saying it was a terrible movie seemed to think it didn't make sense and was boring I on the other hand have a very high iq and understood the whole thing... lol jokes aside this movie is definitely for people who like to walk away with their brains running at a million mph, I thought it was very interesting but it took me like 20 minutes after to really think and decide what I thought everything meant so I will now try to explain it for people who are confused.

Bob Belson

BTW for answers - Mac died and  ARTE recreated her for the purpose of  traveling to unknown origin to meet the alien species that sent the Cube. He not only  re created her with android tech . He  enhanced her  using magnetic pulse  Technology from the alien cube  .  It apparently took him a long time to re create her as he tells her this. He  intimates that he took the best of "human " archetypes to re create her as well   . He noticed that her and many others shared his quest for knowledge etc that many others of the species lacked and he clearly used this as a guide


Please get a better mic

Andres Mendoza

I felt the same way as you did I was confused af at the end lmao


The part where the oxygen was depleting from the room was dumb. You don't start choking and taking short breaths when you're running out of oxygen, you take deep ones.

Sydney P.

Interesting that no review talks about these facts: she never over reacted when Arti blew up an unknown satellite, she didn't really react when Arti killed the man & the small giveaway when the man said, "you dropped the world" when giving her the ball back. Plus, they never left the building, so it was a Turing Test the while time. It was just kind of boring, if you're looking for a lot of dramatic action....

Joseph Nichols

I love Katie Sackhoff.  She is aging well but this movie was not good.  I felt like the movie was originally twice as long, but half of it was left out.  I could not really follow what was happening.  It was trying to be 2001, but it just did not work out.  When it was over,  I was thinking, "WTF did I just watch?"

LV-426 Devasher

Had to find some other other opinions about this movie.  I watched about 15 minutes and fell asleep.  I then watched another 15 minutes and couldn’t take it anymore.  Very dull movie. 😴

Brian Taylor

32 minutes in...didn’t know what was going on.......and didn’t care.


First Artie ruined the Stern show and then this?!


This was the dumbest & slowest skynet story ever made. The camera work was a kid’s kolidescope meets Interstellar and the plot was so sluggish

Mr. X.

So the cops found out internal affairs was setting them up 🤔

Matthew Bravo

Great video and in depth analysis.

Jamie Gomez

In the end she ends up serving him.

Dominic Joseph

Seems like in the beginning , Artie was studying Mac.     I always thought of aliens as being little green beings or more like the greys. Never thought of aliens as being machines. Reminds me of an old twilight zone move. Where survivors were told how to survive from "the old man in the cave," that ended up being a computer.


Terrible movie!

Tamir Darwish

Anyone have a possible idea what lights they used in the robots eye? I know it’s mirrors but what lights?

Bob Belson

This was a great movie. Usually the B sci fi flicks  i get through my package are somewhat second rate. This one was deep, well acted and conveyed true feeling of the bleakness on Mars and alien landscapes in general...


Hey dude, I'm white (not female) and I use wash cloths! In fact, here they are sometimes called 'flannels'. Cool guy, anyway thanks for the nice review.

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