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Sunday, April 24, 2016

100 Subscribers!!! Woooo!


Though we're no where near the million that Tyrone Magnus is going for himself, we at T3M are extremely through the roof for the fact that we finally hit 100 subscribers. Hopefully it will hold. We're trying to break through it officially to give away the tickets to see Captain America Civil War.

The contest started when a few weeks ago, when we were still hovering around 65 to 70 subscribers. With a little push and a lot of fortitude we were able to power towards our goal. This was a welcomed shock and its all thanks to the new team we are developing. Thank you to Morgan, Jasmine, and Sean for making this a better channel. This was always fun and now its not only fun its becoming ever more exciting.

To all viewers whom keep us going, keep us honest and keep us focused. Thank you for making this milestone come to light. Our goal is to double our efforts, numbers and quality. We're aiming to take this channel to the next level. Will we ever hit 1,000,000? We don't know. I frankly don't care. I just want to make sure this stays fun. I'm grateful to bring quality to 100 versus the shiniest turd to a million.

Let that image sink in.

Keep up the great work team

And to our subscribers. Get ready because you're in for a fun ride. Unbuckle and Lets Drink!!!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you're a new reader or veiwer.
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Thanks for making us get and do better!

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